Tuesday, October 27, 2009


What if my life is perfect? This question was posed to us by our minister in a Sunday talk. It's a very good question and I am sitting with it until I experience it fully. It comes on the heals of Patience Week in my "Mental Muscle" workshop.

I found out both how patient and I can be and how impatient. My life is definitely shifting right now. I feel the abundance of the Universe beginning to awaken in my Consciousness. I feel my divine purpose unfolding and many opportunities and new relationships and new ways of relating shifting and changing. I feel it so strongly. I get so excited, I start wanting to jump up and down and make it go faster. That's my impatience.

So, what if my life is perfect? What if the speed at which things are evolving is perfect? I keep saying the Universe is always conspiring in my favor. Do I believe it? Yes, but still I have to keep reminding myself of it. So, the belief is not totally embodied yet. More, impatience. I even want that embodiment to come quicker.

Today, I will sit in the question, "What if my life is perfect?" and I will listen. Rev Angela in her daily message this morning said, "This is the best time of my life for the truth is . . . as we grow older, beauty simply seeps inward..."

I am definitely seeping inward.

love and light,

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