Wednesday, October 28, 2009


"Old Man River...It just keeps rollin' along..." Remember the song from the musical SHOWBOAT? Old Joe, the slave sings about his life on the plantation, one of hard labor and bondage. He envies the "...Old Man River...who just keeps rollin' along." There you have it! The Old Man River represents freedom, the impersonal Law. It just keeps rolling along, always saying yes to us.

We are the ones who make life hard when we grab hard onto the oars, pushing against the current by choosing limiting beliefs. With our willpower we force our lives into places of discontent and then wonder why we get stuck again and again in those little whirlpools off to the side that take us in endless circles, like a floating leaf going nowhere.

We are not meant, as Joe sings " sweat and strain, body all achin' and wracked with pain..." We are meant to use the Old Man River for our highest Good. So let's get into the flow of the river of life, grab our oars and always chart our course with God's good current! Sometimes we might find ourselves riding the rapids and shouting "Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Sometimes we will find ourselves lazily lying on our backs with our arms behind our heads and our smiling faces basking in the sun.

We can be nothing but as James Mellon said, "smooth rider."

Our boat is Spirit which is always supporting us. Our oar is our consciousness always backed by belief in our highest good...always an easy stroke...stroke...stoke into the Universal Law.

Riding right beside you,

PS In case you've never heard the song...It's all over Youtube. Put in "Old Man River." I'm adding it to my repertoire.

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