Thursday, October 22, 2009


The Law of Correspondence works from the belief to the thing. If we believe we shall have only a little good, only a little good will come into our experience.
Ernest Holmes, "The Science of Mind Textbook"

Today, I had to cancel a reservation for an event. The reason: finances.
I'm being honest here. I understand how the Law of Correspondence works. Think a little, receive a little. Obviously I have some shifting to do. I am willing to believe in the abundance of the Universe. I can feel my life turning in this direction. I am in slow motion though. I wonder what stops me from opening my arms wide and throwing myself into the ocean of life?

Last night in "Decide to Have Money" a class I am taking, I felt the energy of the room, as everyone fought the idea that we have within us the power of the Universe that has no limitation. I raised my hand and asked, "I want to know how we are benefiting by not believing this. Why can't we just for one week even just believe in something other than limitation. Someone answered, "Fear. We are afraid we'll be wrong."

This struck me to the very core. It's all or nothing. For me, there must still be a place inside my soul that says I am not deserving. I excavate that thought now, put it in the light. How small it looks with the light of the Universe shining on it and through it. I am done. This is the last reservation I will be canceling. I have, through belief, shifted many areas of my life. It is all one and the area of money is no different. I'm sharing a treatment with you:

There is one Universal Life Force that creates from itself. It is expansive, unlimited Love.
It is Divine Givingness.

It is present in everything from the tiniest flower to the mightiest ocean to each and every person. It is present in me and you.

Right now I claim this power as me. I use it for Good. I allow it to envelope my life, my health, my creative expression and all of my financial affairs. I give and I receive the abundance of the Universe. The Law of Correspondence is firmly in place and I enlarge my thoughts right now. I am aware and there is no turning back. Expansion! Expansion! Expansion!

I am grateful for all that I have and I release this Word as Law into the Law of Cause and Effect. It is done! I rise to meet my good now. And so it is!

Have a great day! Love, Rita

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