This week I am sitting in the question, “What if my life is perfect?” and I am listening. On the heels of impatience week in Mental Muscle workshop, and my ‘fessing up to the fact that I do have a streak of impatience, wanting my life to move faster AND to demonstrate all my goals NOW, this was a good exercise for me.
What a racket in my head during the day. However, now that I am aware, I know how to settle myself. Connecting with the peace within, my authentic self is now a instantaneous shift in consciousness. What I long for is no shifting at all and just being in that space all the time. Patience and more practice. Faith is always the answer. I love my life and am very grateful.
Yesterday, as I walked out the door to work, I said, “Today I listen,” Another voice, resounded within me and said, “Today I serve.” It was a great way to start my day. Then another voice, “the Universe is always conspiring in my favor, ALWAYS!”
The second part of the Mental Muscle exercise is to resolve everything in the moment. Oh...I have several loose ends to resolve this week. I am amazed how leaving something unresolved does clog up my mind, but then I’m a thinker (that’s what I’ve been told as if it were a handicap.) I was also amazed that even when I resolve something physically, if I have not resolved in mind first, the physical resolution is useless. Not a resolution at all...
I am all mind, and I must align with the divine in mind! Divine resolution always! Life is Good and I’m all ears!
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