Thursday, October 29, 2009
What a racket in my head during the day. However, now that I am aware, I know how to settle myself. Connecting with the peace within, my authentic self is now a instantaneous shift in consciousness. What I long for is no shifting at all and just being in that space all the time. Patience and more practice. Faith is always the answer. I love my life and am very grateful.
Yesterday, as I walked out the door to work, I said, “Today I listen,” Another voice, resounded within me and said, “Today I serve.” It was a great way to start my day. Then another voice, “the Universe is always conspiring in my favor, ALWAYS!”
The second part of the Mental Muscle exercise is to resolve everything in the moment. Oh...I have several loose ends to resolve this week. I am amazed how leaving something unresolved does clog up my mind, but then I’m a thinker (that’s what I’ve been told as if it were a handicap.) I was also amazed that even when I resolve something physically, if I have not resolved in mind first, the physical resolution is useless. Not a resolution at all...
I am all mind, and I must align with the divine in mind! Divine resolution always! Life is Good and I’m all ears!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
We are the ones who make life hard when we grab hard onto the oars, pushing against the current by choosing limiting beliefs. With our willpower we force our lives into places of discontent and then wonder why we get stuck again and again in those little whirlpools off to the side that take us in endless circles, like a floating leaf going nowhere.
We are not meant, as Joe sings " sweat and strain, body all achin' and wracked with pain..." We are meant to use the Old Man River for our highest Good. So let's get into the flow of the river of life, grab our oars and always chart our course with God's good current! Sometimes we might find ourselves riding the rapids and shouting "Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Sometimes we will find ourselves lazily lying on our backs with our arms behind our heads and our smiling faces basking in the sun.
We can be nothing but as James Mellon said, "smooth rider."
Our boat is Spirit which is always supporting us. Our oar is our consciousness always backed by belief in our highest good...always an easy stroke...stroke...stoke into the Universal Law.
Riding right beside you,
PS In case you've never heard the song...It's all over Youtube. Put in "Old Man River." I'm adding it to my repertoire.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
What if my life is perfect? This question was posed to us by our minister in a Sunday talk. It's a very good question and I am sitting with it until I experience it fully. It comes on the heals of Patience Week in my "Mental Muscle" workshop.
I found out both how patient and I can be and how impatient. My life is definitely shifting right now. I feel the abundance of the Universe beginning to awaken in my Consciousness. I feel my divine purpose unfolding and many opportunities and new relationships and new ways of relating shifting and changing. I feel it so strongly. I get so excited, I start wanting to jump up and down and make it go faster. That's my impatience.So, what if my life is perfect? What if the speed at which things are evolving is perfect? I keep saying the Universe is always conspiring in my favor. Do I believe it? Yes, but still I have to keep reminding myself of it. So, the belief is not totally embodied yet. More, impatience. I even want that embodiment to come quicker.
Today, I will sit in the question, "What if my life is perfect?" and I will listen. Rev Angela in her daily message this morning said, "This is the best time of my life for the truth is . . . as we grow older, beauty simply seeps inward..."
I am definitely seeping inward.
love and light,
Sunday, October 25, 2009
(Debashis Chatterjee from "Leading Consciously")
The above quote is from a book we are reading in ministerial class. This chapter on communication has been profound to me. What is true communication? It is when we can speak from the self, the truth self. But, we cannot speak from the true self until we really know who we are.
The idea of just talking off the top of our heads, or as a friend of mine put it, out of our asses happens when we are just wanting to hear ourselves talk or think we have the final answer or solution.
True communication comes from thoroughly listening in the silence and then speaking from that place, asking question, after question until the questions just dissolve into an answer that might never be spoken but only felt and then acted upon.
As a ministerial student, I am working on being direct and inspirational speaker. However, I can only be these things when I am willing to speak from my Truth. Reiterating my trials and tribulations or shouting spiritual jargon at you is not inspiring. I want you to know why I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is present everywhere. I want to be able to make you feel it because I feel it and you are receptive to know. I want to let you know how magnificent we are not in words, but by how I look into your eyes and how you look into mine. As a true communicator, I must bear my soul literally and listen to your soul at the same time.
In the depths of the silence of our souls, between God and God, true communication takes place. Want to talk?
Friday, October 23, 2009
All week, we ask ourselves the question "When do we get impatient and why?" Sometimes we are impatient with others. They are not acting in a way that we think they should. Traffic is the easiest place to see and feel this kind of impatience.
Often we are impatient with ourselves. It manifests as internal negative self-talk. "I should be further along than this! Why did I do that!!! What an idiot!" are some of the mean things we say to ourselves.
I believe that the way to patience is the Law of Allowing. What is the Law of Allowing? It's quite simple in theory; to live it takes practice. Esther Hicks, a metaphysician defines the Law of Allowing as... "I am who I am. I am living my life and I like who I am. You are that which you are and although it is different than what I am, it is still good."
Now, do not confuse this with being a doormat. We are not to just roll over and allow others to mistreat us. However, the more we focus on the good in ourselves and others, the more good will be attracted to us in the way of relationships and experiences. The Law of Allowing opens the door to the Law of Attraction, attracting that which we want in our life. Always focus on what you want, not what you do not want! This is integral.
Living a life of true patience is a choice. True Patience is knowing. It is knowing that each moment is just as it should be. It is knowing that you are right where you have chosen to be. It is knowing that the Universe is ALWAYS conspiring in your favor.
PS: This is more on the Law of Allowing by Esther Hicks/Abraham:
Esther Hicks/Abraham on the Law of Allowing
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Ernest Holmes, "The Science of Mind Textbook"
Today, I had to cancel a reservation for an event. The reason: finances. I'm being honest here. I understand how the Law of Correspondence works. Think a little, receive a little. Obviously I have some shifting to do. I am willing to believe in the abundance of the Universe. I can feel my life turning in this direction. I am in slow motion though. I wonder what stops me from opening my arms wide and throwing myself into the ocean of life?
Last night in "Decide to Have Money" a class I am taking, I felt the energy of the room, as everyone fought the idea that we have within us the power of the Universe that has no limitation. I raised my hand and asked, "I want to know how we are benefiting by not believing this. Why can't we just for one week even just believe in something other than limitation. Someone answered, "Fear. We are afraid we'll be wrong."
This struck me to the very core. It's all or nothing. For me, there must still be a place inside my soul that says I am not deserving. I excavate that thought now, put it in the light. How small it looks with the light of the Universe shining on it and through it. I am done. This is the last reservation I will be canceling. I have, through belief, shifted many areas of my life. It is all one and the area of money is no different. I'm sharing a treatment with you:
There is one Universal Life Force that creates from itself. It is expansive, unlimited Love.
It is Divine Givingness.
It is present in everything from the tiniest flower to the mightiest ocean to each and every person. It is present in me and you.
Right now I claim this power as me. I use it for Good. I allow it to envelope my life, my health, my creative expression and all of my financial affairs. I give and I receive the abundance of the Universe. The Law of Correspondence is firmly in place and I enlarge my thoughts right now. I am aware and there is no turning back. Expansion! Expansion! Expansion!
I am grateful for all that I have and I release this Word as Law into the Law of Cause and Effect. It is done! I rise to meet my good now. And so it is!
Have a great day! Love, Rita
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
How does a JEDI knight train? There is only one kind of training. He/She trains his/her thoughts. Yes, we choose our thoughts. We choose only thoughts that express love, abundance, peace, health. How do we choose these thoughts, by uprooting any thoughts that counter these thoughts by uprooting the beliefs behind them.
When we choose a new belief, we must begin living it immediately through action. Even if, like the great JEDI Master Jesus said, "with faith the grain of a mustard seed," we must move forward with our new belief. We must begin acting in faith. Just like Luke Skywalker had to finally fly trusting only the power of the Force to guide him, we must trust this Power within us. We can only embody as much of this power as we can believe we have. Jesus said, it is done unto us as we believe. Let's believe in our greatness. Let's start where we are.
I liken this JEDI training to the training I did to run my marathon. First I told myself I can. Then, I began running. I put blinders on to any other belief that might have countered my intention. I just kept focused. I trained and trained until it became second nature to think that way.
Every time we get into a car, we do not wonder if we will be able to turn the wheel or put our foot on the break at the right time. It is ingrained in us. It's called second nature. Second nature is defined "as an acquired behavior that is practiced so long it seems innate."
I am calling it First Nature. It is who we are. We are God! We are JEDI Knights! The Force is us. It is us!
love and light,
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
It's all Mind
The Truth is we are always whole and complete. We are Spirit! Perfection. Anything called illness is a falsety appearing real. It all starts with belief. Catch the belief and change it before it takes root. It's so much easier.
In ministerial class last night we were asked, "How does one change a belief?" The answer is simple. First, identify the belief. Second, decide if it serves you or not. Third, if not, choose another belief that does serve you. Fourth, watch your mind as it travels through your day and keep it on course. Fifth, Treat the negative belief into oblivion by only knowing Truth!
What does it mean to treat? Spiritual mind treatment is a prayer, but not one that beseeches. It is affirmative prayer. It is knowing the truth about any negative condition, whether it be manifesting as poor health, financial lack, a relationship issue. To every negative condition there is a spiritual Truth. There are five steps to Spiritual mind treatment:
1 Recognizing that there is only one Power--God, Divine Energy, Life, Good.
2 Unifying ourselves with this Power--We are a unique expression of the One Power.
3 Declaring the Truth--- As we are one God, there can only be perfect health, abundant life, love, and so on. We are directing our consciousness to align with this perfection.
4 Now we give Thanks. For it is already done in Mind.
5 We release our Word to the Law of Cause and Effect. We do not take care of the hows, we just know with a surety that it is taken care of. It is done. And so it is!
These steps are here to give us tools, but it is really even more simple. It is done unto us as we believe. So, believe only Good. Know that we are equipped with a Power that is equal to anything. Trust the unseen, because that is where it is happening. Know who you are and that the Universe is always conspiring in your favor!
love and light,
Monday, October 19, 2009
Practice, Practice, Practice!
The only three words I can use are "practice, practice, practice."
It is wonderful to be with my spiritual family here in North Hollywood, while dancing and singing and speaking our spiritual truths. It is another matter to go out and live it, even for just four days. Many times I asked myself, "Can I stay in Principle in this situation? And this? And this? Can I see God here and here and here..."
No experience was that dramatic. I'm talking about small things, like flu consciousness, talk of aging, an ex-husband, and old friends who have taken diverse paths, running the marathon, itself, etc...
On the heels of my talk last week called "You May Close Your History Books, Now!" I was to practice what I preached. I took my new notebook with me and wrote on the first page, "I know nothing!"
Here's what I learned:
- I am strong in the area of health consciousness. I found myself to be a stranger in a strange world. The screams of "Flu, flu!" rang on my deaf ears. I passed through that veil. I am so aware of how children pick up the consciousness of the adults around them. While spending two days with my 5 year old granddaughter, I was able to let her know how healthy she was with every breath and cough she made. By the 2nd day, she was better and telling her parents so.
- My marathon was an life-goal and accomplishment. I won't say it was easy. I liken it to having a child and then, well, you wouldn't want to do that for a while. I finished at 10.08/minutes per mile. This was better than I anticipated. I will be on my early morning run tomorrow. I am a jogger for life!
- I have closed the book of my 27 year marriage without any expectation of being on speaking terms with my ex-husband unless he decides to open his mouth. It's okay. I have given it enough energy. I am done with love.
- Living moment to moment is uncomfortable sometimes. I believe that the reason I do not stay in the present is because I don't want to stay with that uncomfortableness, whether it is turbulence on an airplane, a negative person babbling on next to me while I run, a conversation that is foreign to me. I came to understand that if I find myself in a situation that is uncomfortable and I want to escape to the future, I just need to take a deep breath, know I put myself in this moment for a reason, ask what it is I still need to learn, and find the good. It might not be revealed to me right away, either. Be patient. Stay open. Stay present, Rita.
- I learned that there is still a part of me that feels she is not deserving. However, the day of the marathon when I realized that goal, I knew that I was more than enough for anything.
with love,
Friday, October 16, 2009
Walking with Lepers
So, I am being warned, "Just take precautions," they say. "It's just good sense." I only know one good sense and that is the knowing that Infinite Intelligence is flowing through me and that it is Perfection. My body knows exactly what it needs to align with that Divine perfection.
As I care for my little granddaughter, I slept with her while she took her nap. She began blowing on me with sneezes and coughs. I feel her love, and I know that love is perfect. I asked myself, "How did Jesus walk among the lepers?" Well, the truth is, Jesus didn't know any lepers. Jesus only saw perfect Spirit in everyone.
So, as they scream "Flu! Flu!" I know that we are all perfect Spirit. Anything else unlike that is merely formless form "not an entity." It is real, but not REAL.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I practiced the Presence, breathing on take off and landing, feeling one with the energy of this massive machine. How powerful! The lady next to me said she was nervous on take off. Then right out of my mouth, came---"that's just race consciousness you're feeling, that's not the truth. We're fine." Then, I told her my Wright Bros. story...She smiled and closed her eyes.
I was greeted by my blue-eyed little granddaughter. What a jewel!
I took my first run here in Albuquerque, as I continue my training for my marathon on Sunday. Wow! I had to take quite a breath. All of a sudden, I felt like I had inhaled a helium balloon. I think I was still telling myself that the transition from California to the high desert would somehow hold me back. No! Infinite Intelligence knows just how to direct everything within my lungs, heart and cells to adjust. It is called emergent evolution. "I honor the divinity that resides within me!" That's all I got! Breathe!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
It's "Be Present" week in Rev. James Mellon's Mental Muscle Program.
I'm having a major breakthrough about BEING Present. I have always known that this is the key to Eternity. Why is it so difficult, then? It should be easy. Okay...I'm claiming that now. It is easy to BE present.
But, when I was writing in my journal this morning, I followed my thoughts. Amazing! There was so much jumping happening...all in the future. Would I get this done? What about that? I was on overload. That is when I said, "Stop It!" Then, I kept having the feeling, up to the point of going out the door, that I should take a much needed personal day to just be with myself and catch up on my LIFE. This is not the usual me. In fact, this "one-hour for yourself" thing is the only thing I have never been true to in 8 Mental Muscle boot camps. (Like in the "Artist's Way" you are supposed to take an hour for yourself each day...)
Today, I finally, said, "It's time to take a moment just for yourself, Rita. Not only did I take a whole hour. I am taking the whole day. That's 8 hours! Makes up for some of my past negligence! At my job it’s called a “Personal Day!” I took one without a guilt-cheese sandwich, and everyone was just fine with it.
I am discovering that the more I slow down, the more time slows down. Time is an illusion, after all. I want to walk through life with grace and ease.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Another New Body?
I was out running this morning. I am training for marathon which I will run on October 18 in Albuquerque, NM. As I ran this morning, I began to push my breath so that I'll be able to go up in altitude in Albuquerque with ease. I was running hard and kept repeating my Sanskrit mantra "om-na-ma-shivaya, I honor the divinity that resides within me." As I continued, I could feel all my cells and bones and muscles vibrating in beat with what I was chanting and claiming. They were jumping and jiving and everything was rattling. As I continued, out came a lot of old beliefs and phrases that were told to me as a child--ones I no longer had use for. The new unlimited beliefs are much bigger than the old worn out ones. It was like I was shedding an old body and revealing a new one. Caterpillars to that, you know. They shed their skin at least 4 times before they go into their cocoon state and then emerge as a butterfly.
As I go deeper into my intention to live the greatness of God from the inside out, I am met with a new way of knowing every day. Thank you, Spirit!
Monday, October 12, 2009
You're a Great God!
It was some gospel singers and of course they were singing to the sky God, but I heard them talking to me! Could there be any more perfect timing then to hear this message upon waking during Belief week in Spiritual Boot Camp? And, as I’ve been doing every morning upon waking, I had to ask myself again what do you believe? They kept on repeating the same phrase, getting more and more evangelistical with it? “Rita,” I asked, “Do you believe you are the Greatness of God?”
I have claimed this as my intention---to step off the precipice as God. The first two steps of affirmative prayer---God is everywhere! And, we are one with God! Do I believe this? Yes! Have I totally embodied this truth? Not yet. Does that mean I don’t believe it? No. I think Belief must be the first step to embodiment. It’s like I went in put the belief in place and now everything that is contrary comes up to let me to align back with this Truth. This is the journey the practice part. The trick is to stay on course. This morning’s reading from our Science of Mind textbook said there will come a time when we do totally embody this knowing, live it and that we will be Omnipresence. I sat on my balcony meditating with that thought and I knew I wasn’t there yet. I am not afraid to walk the path. I know that the only way to embody this truth is through practice, practice, practice. Since the Universe is always conspiring in my favor, I believe that all is Good. So, what can I know today?
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Closing Our History Books
The inmates of Norco with whom we work are hungry to rehabilitate themselves. Our Labyrinth workshops offer them yet another tool to do this. We have many inmates who repeat the labyrinth workshop every month and others who come for the first time, skeptical, yet open.
Most recently in a workshop on letting go of negative beliefs that I taught there with my husband, Patrick, I met an Arab man who spent many years fighting on the Gaza strip. He carries the guilt of killing many people in war, he says, and he cannot let go of this. He was in a place of deep self hatred. He became a nurse so that he could serve what he said was his penitence for all the lives he took. Yesterday, after our labyrinth walk he wrote a beautiful essay, stating that he had been looking for Allah on the outside his whole life, and now he had found that Allah had wedged a place inside of him- a place that was love. The healing has begun.
I tell you this story, because I am realizing how easy it is for many of us to unconsciously create our lives from our history.
When he told me he could not let go of what he did and what he has felt, I told him that he acted from what he knew at that time. He can now let go of that history and create a brand new present by forgiveness for himself, especially.
What a great gift this man gave me! How easy is this for any of us to do when dealing with past hurts? And, yet we must if we are to evolve. We cannot change our history. We must close our history books and with love and forgiveness if we are to move on. This means to stop living in the past. We must live in a brand new present every day.
I am exploring this concept of blessing our history more deeply in my talk at the NoHo Arts Center on Wednesday, October 14 at 6:30 PM.
Friday, October 9, 2009
How Dare You!
Last night I had a dream. I was stalked by a dark stranger. Three times, this dark stranger appeared in my dream. At first just lurking. The second time, I knew he was following me. The third time, I was vulnerable in the dark without my cell phone. There was a car of friendly people nearby, but I knew they could not help me. The dark stranger lunged at me. Instead of running, as I would usually do in a dream like this, I screamed "What do you want????" He took out his flashlight and shined it on my ankh which was resting on my chest. I abruptly woke up, my heart pounding.
The ankh is an Egyptian symbol that represents life. To me it represents heaven meeting earth. More about it here for those who are curious.
I will meditate on this dream all day today. What do I need to know, Spirit? I know that I am convicted in my intention to walk as God. I am moving into action from that place. I will continue to remind myself of it. God is in the darkness and the light. God is only Good. There is no place where God is not. In the darkness, there is a light of Truth that shines brightly and extinguishes all darkness.
I know for all of us that we walk effortlessly and easily through our day in and as this Divine Love. We let IT shine through us in everything we do. This is a one-way ticket. Once we are aware of our Divinity, there is no turning back.
Love and Light, Rita
Thursday, October 8, 2009
A Spiritual Adventure.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I am a Creator
I am still in that space. I release myself to Universal Law. This Law of the Universe puts all the pieces together for me to realize my desire. From this place of infinite possibilities, what do I want to create?
For the past 10 weeks I have been preparing to run a 1/2 marathon in New Mexico on October 18. This Sunday I ran 12 miles. Only Spirit could do that. I believe that. Spirit directed my body in every moment, knowing exactly what each cell, each muscle, each organ needed to do for me to fulfill my desire to run those 12 miles. I was successful because my desire was backed by belief. I could feel the moments when my consciousness aligned itself with old beliefs that said, "what are you crazy????" 12 miles????" However, immediately, I shifted back to my desire to complete this marathon with ease and grace and the belief that Spirit is directing my body just perfectly. And voila! It was done.
It's all a matter of belief! Today, I am following my fellow ministerial student, Jamie Klein's advice...In whatever I am doing at my job, however I am serving, I say..."This is what being a minister looks like right now." As soon as I arrived at work, everyone approached me in a way that allowed me to minister. Wow! The Universe does put the pieces together for us to realize our desires.
What else does Spirit through Rita want to create? I will spend the rest of the day pondering that as I go about my day.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
I Do Believe!
I am on the precipice. My word is Consciousness. I am Spirit/Consciousness manifesting in the ever-evolving form called Rita. As I meditate on what this truly means to me, all I can feel is expansion. This week’s word ‘Belief’ is in perfect time for me, because as of late I have been wondering what is holding me back from totally jumping into the Spiritual waters without fear. For the last month, I have felt like Indiana Jones when he stood with his foot extended stepping into what looked like mid-air. Then this morning’s reading from the SCIENCE OF MIND textbook gave me my answer: “The Spirit is Limitless, but can only be to us what we believe It to be. Why must we believe It is? Because, UNTIL WE BELIEVE THAT IT IS, WE ARE BELIEVING THAT IT IS NOT! It is all a matter of belief…” (Those CAPS were Ernest Holmes’, not mine). Is he screaming at me???? I am yet at another crossroad. Yes, there is a part of me that is still holding on. So, today, I decided to spend this one day letting go, just believing TOTALLY in the Infinite. My heart is pounding and my eyes keep welling up. I definitely feel, as Tamara so eloquently described in her blog, the creaking of the rollercoaster wheels slowing down as they reach the top of the steep climb. Here I go------------AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
My Ministerial Journey--Introduction
I came from a Catholic upbringing, wanting to be a nun, then moving into rebellion, then moving into Mormonism and a 27 year marriage in New Mexico. I've raised three beautiful children, taught mid school/high school theater, and sang and acted professionally. In the midst of all that, I've had some definite wild-woman times that I'll save for telling.
I came to Los Angeles in the arms of my soul mate, Patrick, thinking that the Entertainment Industry was my destination, only to find yet once again that Spirit in me had other plans. Spirit plopped me down in the City of Angels to find out ten years later that I am to become yet something else---a minister. I would say I am to become a minister of Religious Science, but that is too closed for me. I do not consider myself bound by a church. I am a woman open to knowing the ever-evolving Truth as it reveals itself to me. This truth is based in the knowing that we are all magnificent expressions of the One Infinite Intelligence. This is my truth and it is my journey to explore where that takes me.
I give thanks today for my beautiful husband, Patrick Feren who travels with me, for the magnificent inspiring mentor and friend I have in Rev. James J. Mellon, for my beautiful children who have accepted and loved me as I am, and for each and every person who have journeyed in and out of life with me. Here we go!!!!!!