Friday, November 6, 2009


Did you know we are 100% responsible for everything that happens in our life. That is the Truth of the Science of Mind teaching. We create our reality by our use of the Law of Cause and Effect. Another way to put this is that there is a Mental Equivalent that demonstrates in the conditions of our life exactly what we believe. We are 100% responsible! Spirit or God is Love and Divine Givingness. The Law is impersonal. It only says "yes!"

What I know from experience is that once we start using the Spiritual Law for our highest good, we get to start experiencing life in a powerful way.

You know the saying, "Shit happens!" Well shit doesn't happen to us; it happens through us. Excuse the metaphor...But, I'm getting down to basics. The other side of the coin is that "Good doesn't happen to us; it happens through us." We are 100% responsible!

Let me give you a concrete example of this concept that just happened through me the other day...

We are in "Priorities and Boundaries Week" in Mental Muscle workshop. Right now the most important priority in my life is to let God out through me in everything I do in a big way. If I am not letting God out through Rita, if there is a boundary a block then I need to see it clearly and break through it. So, here it comes.

I had a challenging money moment and the need to get money into our account promptly and the sitcom began. Watch how the Law works through me as I step outside of my highest self to resolve the issue on my own.

First of all, the roads to the bank were blocked. Talk about boundaries. At one point, I came to a sign that said "Through Traffic Only." I thought, "At last". I then was halted by a road that just disappeared and all I could see in front of me was a fence and the luminous bank on the other side, unreachable. "The Universe is Always conspiring in my favor." I did a spiritual mind treatment for faith and trust.

After relaxing into the Law for a moment, I drove on and was able to put the money in at another branch. I got home and checked my account on-line. Ah...not trusting, Rita? The Law answers "yes!" Online I saw that the bank teller had put the money into the wrong account, our closed account that apparently wasn't closed. Where is my resistance still and how nice of this teller to show up to let me know about it? (That is what the outside can look like, and how quickly we will blame the teller. However, this teller and I crossed paths at exactly the right moment with exactly the right consciousness for each other. The Law always says "yes!"

I transferred the money into the correct account with that wonderful on-line transfer button.

Then the next day, I went on-line again...still not trusting, Rita???...The account showed a deduction in the exact amount of the deposit. We called the bank and the CS person said they had no record of the deposit or my transfer. (The Law doing its work again, always saying "yes!")

My will power at its wits end, I surrendered finally. I laughed at it all and I only knew that it had to be good. I had to trust Spirit. A long road back to the Real me. Everything resolved immediately. The money showed up and all is well.

I am breaking through these money boundaries this time for sure. Letting God Out and faith are my tools---Let God out in a big way no matter what she looks like! She is beautiful! Even at the ATM with a look of shock on her face. I am 100% responsible!

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