Thursday, November 12, 2009


Yesterday, I asked for prayer/treatment for clarity and resolution immediately! And, it came immediately through the voice of a practitioner friend. “When looking at money,” she pointed out, “in the world of conditions, there is a lot of heat attached to the word. But, just for a moment how about looking at it all as just energy.” She had just recently decided to drop the word money out of her vocabulary and just call it energy. It released the “heat” for her. How synchronistic that this would come to me during Life Force Week.

When I stepped into her words, it was an ah-hah moment. I got it so clearly. It’s just energy/life force. We get to play in the field of energy and get excited about it. I don’t need to divide it up either. Whether it is money, career, relationship or health, it’s all one thing---energy. There is nothing in the world of form that is permanent, whether it is a tumor or a hot fudge sundae. Just because we like it doesn’t make it any more real (that is Real with a capital R.) Form is always formless. I understood once again that I get to decide, through my belief, how I want this energy to play out in my experience.

So, as I examine my Life Force and what makes it flow and what creates a kink, I can say that it really never stops flowing. It’s only my mind that gets kinked. And I can have a kinky mind. Action is the answer. The flow of energy must be acted upon, whether it is to sit by my turtle, write this blog or re-invent the Prison System. My Life Force calls me to action to express my divine self fully. I read a quote this morning from Rev Angela’s blog... “I honestly believe that the next step in our evolution is that we all get the idea that we are not separate from divinity… In our purest form we are the actualization of God in human density.” Rev. Angela

“And the Word was made FLESH!” Word is just another word for Life Force. How will I spend my Word today?

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