I have given myself 100% to this Spiritual journey. I am committed to living in Principle.
In that light, I am struck today at what gossip can do, and I have made the decision to obliterate it from my conversation once and for all; for if I allow myself to even go into this territory in mind or in active conversation, I am out of Principle and adding dirty water to creative medium.
So, now I must confess that I recently found myself swept away into the world of gossip. It came disguised as “good intentions” and “protection of someone I loved,” and “caring and sharing.” In reality, there was never any true malice in my participation in the spiraling vortex of gossip, but I came out the other end feeling dirty. And since my feelings speak to me of what in me is in and out of balance, I know the Truth.
The story doesn’t need to be reiterated here, but after thought and prayer and forgiveness of myself, I have come to know that what Thumper said is true, “If you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything at all.”
Whether you think you are not judging, or just venting, or just hurt or feel sad, or feel like you are even helping the situation…talking about another person in any way other than holding them in their highest light does a disservice to everyone, but mostly to yourself.
What Gossip Can Do; it can do to you!
But what if someone else raises their words against you or their intent seems to be to bring you down? What then? We are co-creators, no matter what the experience. We are one big mirror…reflecting, reflecting back and forth. Stay in Principle, turn the other cheek, and as you do the reflection will change accordingly.
And so, as it says in Phillippians 4:8:
“Whatever things are TRUE, whatever things are NOBLE, whatever things are JUST, whatever things are PURE, whatever things are LOVELY, whatever things are of GOOD REPORT, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy---meditate on these things.”
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