Thursday, April 1, 2010


It is Perfection Week in Mental Muscle Boot Camp. I went on my meditative run today and did a spiritual mind treatment while I ran.

"I am more than ready to remove any block still remaining in the way of my knowing my perfection!"

Almost instantly, I was drawn to my shadow running in front of me. I thought, "Just as my body is blocking the sun right now and causing this shadow to appear, I am the only one standing in the way of knowing my perfection."

And so, as my running path turned me to the sun, immediately my shadow was behind me and out view. I was bathed in a very bright light, and it felt Good. It was coming from the sun, but also from within me. I can't escape it, it's everywhere! God! Light! Love!

What are the shadows? To me, they are doubt, fear, guilt, and anything blocking the light within. Are these shadows ever gone? Not as long as I have volition and choice. It up to me every moment to choose Shadow or Light.

If, for example, I chose to look back on this run, there was my shadow, running after me. I liken it to the past that I won't let go of with forgiveness. As I continued to run, my body and shadow continued the dance. I noticed how at times, the shadow was at my side, just out of view, but still there, if I chose to turn to it. Similarly, in the sidelines of my mind, still there are shadows that play their game with me if I am not aligning myself consciously.

But, I'm in charge. No more looking back or to the sides only forward and within into the Light. Divine Evolution moves forward. It is my goal today to stay aligned with the perfect Light within me and to listen to Spirit. To allow my Divine Perfection to be the allness of who I am. How does this look? It's very bright.

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