Friday, August 13, 2010

Parable of the Oranges

I was out running one Sunday morning, when. I passed the most beautiful orange tree, filled with oranges to overflowing. I have passed this tree before, but on this particular Sunday, it looked ever more inviting. How juicy and sweet a fresh orange would taste, I thought.

I was running on a path that brought back to the tree more than once. And so, when I circled around again, I saw a man picking the oranges. Again, I thought, how great a fresh orange would taste. I'd love to ask for one, but I didn't.

When I circled around yet another time, I passed the same man, who was now carrying a large brown bag to overflowing with the oranges he'd picked. He looked at me and pointed to the oranges, gesturing for me to have some. My prayer had been answered. I took one from his bag. The man just looked at me rather strangely and kept walking.

I continued my run, when a few moments later, I passed the man again. Again, he gestured to the oranges in his bag, and then to me, offering me another one. I took another orange. He looked at me and groaned out loud under the weight of the bag, seeming to say, you idiot! I'm offering you as many as you want! He waddled on down the road, leaving me holding my two oranges and two questions...

First of all, why couldn't I ask for an orange to begin with? Secondly, why did I only take one orange, each time, when he offered me as many as I wanted?

I could use the excuse of being polite or not being able to carry them, but there is really only one answer to these questions and it is: This orange story is a metaphor for my capacity to receive.

In that moment, I immediately turned my attention to the Truth of who I am and opened my mind to the the abundance I deserve. I opened up my mind wide to allow the abundance of the Universe to pour through me without limitation.

Ernest Holmes writes,

"In Reality, we know God or Truth only as we ourselves embody God or Truth. AND SINCE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO EMBODY ANYTHING OUTSIDE OURSELVES, 

Honestly, I didn't feel the expansion at first, but as I continue to spiritually work on this idea everyday, my consciousness is expanding and the results are demonstrated. I challenge all those who need this knowing to join me in doing this spiritual work for themselves.

The answer for me, is self-love. Ernest Holmes writes,

"...above all have a consciousness of love, a radiant feeling flowing through your consciousness at all times. Treat yourself until you have an inner sense of unity with all good. Love is at the center of man's being and the calm continuous pulsations of life are governed by love."

I still pass that orange tree everyday, and I still wonder if I'll ever see the man again so I can take as many oranges I want. It hasn't happened yet, and today, I said to myself..."What are you waiting for...just go buy yourself a huge bag of oranges!" And so I did!

Namaste! Rita

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Today, I went out running contemplating the treatment I just wrote on my daily blog, Consciousness on Demand about knowing that I am one with the Divine.

As I started into my first few moments of my run, I said, I bless this time to reveal this too me now…and to inspire me for my treatment and power talk on Sunday.

I was about 10 minutes into my run when I noticed a fence, and then another, and then another. I noticed how metaphorically every yard had something boxed in, whether it was by brick, wood, or rock. I was awaked to the fact that it seems to be our nature in our humaness is to separate. Kevin Spacey the actor said this…”The more successful you become, the higher the houses in the hills get and the higher the fences get.”

The question came into my mind, “What fences do you still have up, Rita, that are keeping you from totaling embodying your oneness with Spirit. What am I trying to keep out and what am I trying to keep in?

There must still be fences of thought that separate me from embodying my divine nature. Thoughts of “less than, or not enough, or I am separate from that person…etc.” I spoke out loud. I choose to tear down these fences now!

I continued to run and every time I saw a fence, I metaphorically tore it down in my mind. It took quite a few sledges with my metaphorical ax, but soon I was running immersed in the allness, where there were no fences.
So, now what? I continued to do this all day. Every time I saw something that I separated myself from, whether it was my boss, the person asking for money on the corner, the biggest and most beautiful house in the neighborhood, I took down the fence.

Robert Green Ingersoll, lawyer, orator, and freethinker said…”Surely there is grandeur in knowing that in the realm of thought, at least, you are without a chain; that you have the right to explore all heights and depth; that there are no walls nor fences, nor prohibited places, nor sacred corners in all the vast expanse of thought. “

As we know in this Science, everything is created from the inside out. There is nothing created that isn’t created first by thought. Our thoughts direct the law.

Today, I challenge us to tear down any fences of thought that we’ve built that keep us from total immersion in our Godness and to know just as we are right in this moment we are God. We don’t have to do anything or be anything more. All fences fall away now. We are unlimited Life!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Law of Growth

"But there is one thing we must not forget, and this is the Law of Growth. If the Law which we plant is the seed, then we must allow time for it to grow; we must leave it alone and go about our business as usual, and the seed we have sown will spring and grow up of itself, we know not how, a truth which we have been told by the Master himself (Mark iv, 26, 29).

We must not be like children who plant a seed one day, and dig it up the next to see whether it is growing. Our part is to plant the seed, not to make it grow,--the Creative Law of Life will do that. It is for this reason that the Bible gives us such injunctions as "Study to be quiet...He that believe shall not make haste" (Is. xxviii, 16)

I have not written in a while. A lot has transpired since I last wrote. I have been tested and have relied on Spirit. I have taken the Principle and used it and proved it true. I have learned to pray unceasingly and have reaped the benefits of this. I have decided to remain steadfast in my growth in embodying this Principle and walking in truth at all times.

The above quote struck me this morning because I find that so many times, we do not always trust the Law of Growth. I understand now that as I plant the seed, I can trust in it. I no longer rip out the roots to test what Spirit is doing. I am quiet and still and expectant.

Thomas Troward also wrote something else that struck me and that was that we are not praying to have things, but that we might become. That is how we use our Word constructively and for our highest good. The Law only understand becoming. Now, I know we are already that which we are seeking to become, so we are only praying to know that fully in mind.

And so today, I claim that I am, that we are that which we seek. I trust the Law of Growth and I continue to walk on the path as that allness in everything that I think and do.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Self-Forgiveness Now!

Always there is synchronicity within our Soul Group at the NoHo Arts Center. So, it’s no coincidence that Self-Esteem week of Mental Muscle Workshop comes after Rev. Keith’s talk on Sunday which included “self-forgiveness.”

I am amazed that I can join one of my fellow Mental Muscle boot campers in my ability to experience a shame spiral now and then. It all boils down to this for me: self-forgiveness.

I dropped to my knees this morning (as Keith Cox invited us to) to rid myself finally of anything I hadn’t forgiven myself for from this incarnation or any other. I am committed to living in Principle only.

I am in love with my Divine Evolution. I’m continuing to peel away the layers and the more I ask Spirit to guide me, the more I am awakened to what needs to be stripped away. As the directive this week asks us to, I am more than willing to let go of what doesn’t serve me, so I can live as I deserve, which is fully, passionately, healthfully, creatively, prosperously!

Phineas Quimby, the founder of New Thought and great healer said, “God never made anything to torment mankind.” I know this is the truth, so the only torment is self-created. (Note the small “s.)

I know that anything in the recesses of my soul that needs to be released, that is blocking me from totally loving ME is released now. I release it with love, thanking it all as part of my Divine Evolution and know that it is all Good! It is done! The Truth is Revealed Now! I am worth IT!

"There is a force within that gives you life - Seek that.
In your body there lies a priceless jewel - Seek that.
Oh, wandering One,
if you are in search of the greatest treasure,
don't look outside.
Look within, and seek That."

- Rumi, was a Sufi Mystic & Poet.

Friday, April 9, 2010

What Gossip Can Do!

I have given myself 100% to this Spiritual journey. I am committed to living in Principle.

In that light, I am struck today at what gossip can do, and I have made the decision to obliterate it from my conversation once and for all; for if I allow myself to even go into this territory in mind or in active conversation, I am out of Principle and adding dirty water to creative medium.

So, now I must confess that I recently found myself swept away into the world of gossip. It came disguised as “good intentions” and “protection of someone I loved,” and “caring and sharing.” In reality, there was never any true malice in my participation in the spiraling vortex of gossip, but I came out the other end feeling dirty. And since my feelings speak to me of what in me is in and out of balance, I know the Truth.

The story doesn’t need to be reiterated here, but after thought and prayer and forgiveness of myself, I have come to know that what Thumper said is true, “If you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything at all.”

Whether you think you are not judging, or just venting, or just hurt or feel sad, or feel like you are even helping the situation…talking about another person in any way other than holding them in their highest light does a disservice to everyone, but mostly to yourself.

What Gossip Can Do; it can do to you!

But what if someone else raises their words against you or their intent seems to be to bring you down? What then? We are co-creators, no matter what the experience. We are one big mirror…reflecting, reflecting back and forth. Stay in Principle, turn the other cheek, and as you do the reflection will change accordingly.

And so, as it says in Phillippians 4:8:

“Whatever things are TRUE, whatever things are NOBLE, whatever things are JUST, whatever things are PURE, whatever things are LOVELY, whatever things are of GOOD REPORT, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy---meditate on these things.”

Monday, April 5, 2010


We had another earthquake yesterday afternoon, April 4, Easter Sunday. Patrick and I were taking a much needed nap and suddenly, the bed began to gently shake. There is always that moment when earthquake strikes that fear can set in. It passes quickly with me now. I am less and less afraid lately, as I embody a Trust in Spirit and the Spiritual Universe more and more.

This morning, my son called me and we started talking about earthquakes and about being afraid. He sent me this quote from the "Dune Series." I'd like to share it...

"I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain."

I like this quote, because it tells us not to block our fear or to stick our head in the sand, but to face it. It is so true. The only way to pass through a fear is to actually look at it and let it wash over you.

I remember I used to have a great fear of flying. Probably my fear was a mixture of race consciousness and also my parents telling me from an early age that planes crash.

I remember one day I sat on the plane and just went to my fear in my mind and played it out all the way to the plane crashing and me dying. It was a great exercise, and ever since that day, I have not feared flying.

One day after that, while I was flying, there was a loud explosion. It was right after 9/11, so of course, my first thought was: it's was a bomb. In that moment, I remember this intense calm feeling came over me. I knew that whatever was happening, I was fine. It wasn't anything I had to force, I just knew. The plane landed safely. We had been hit by lightening and I had been enlightened again.

So, to the quote says,

"I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain."

Fear is an illusion as we say in Science of Mind, "False Evidence Appearing Real."

Only I will remain. The "I" God. That is the power that is ours. Only God remains and with God everything is always fine.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


It is Perfection Week in Mental Muscle Boot Camp. I went on my meditative run today and did a spiritual mind treatment while I ran.

"I am more than ready to remove any block still remaining in the way of my knowing my perfection!"

Almost instantly, I was drawn to my shadow running in front of me. I thought, "Just as my body is blocking the sun right now and causing this shadow to appear, I am the only one standing in the way of knowing my perfection."

And so, as my running path turned me to the sun, immediately my shadow was behind me and out view. I was bathed in a very bright light, and it felt Good. It was coming from the sun, but also from within me. I can't escape it, it's everywhere! God! Light! Love!

What are the shadows? To me, they are doubt, fear, guilt, and anything blocking the light within. Are these shadows ever gone? Not as long as I have volition and choice. It up to me every moment to choose Shadow or Light.

If, for example, I chose to look back on this run, there was my shadow, running after me. I liken it to the past that I won't let go of with forgiveness. As I continued to run, my body and shadow continued the dance. I noticed how at times, the shadow was at my side, just out of view, but still there, if I chose to turn to it. Similarly, in the sidelines of my mind, still there are shadows that play their game with me if I am not aligning myself consciously.

But, I'm in charge. No more looking back or to the sides only forward and within into the Light. Divine Evolution moves forward. It is my goal today to stay aligned with the perfect Light within me and to listen to Spirit. To allow my Divine Perfection to be the allness of who I am. How does this look? It's very bright.