Thursday, February 25, 2010


As Religious Scientists are learning and living a philosophy that is based in the Principle that says "We are Spiritual Beings living in a Spiritual Universe and we are governed by our use of the Universal Law of Cause and Effect." This is what we call Divine Principle. This Principle is our Truth. We prove it True by living it as our Truth and as David Walker said, "...not just on special occasions."

Jesus once said that we shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set us free. How does Divine Principle set us free? It sets us free because we know that whatever is showing up in our life is showing up because we believed in it enough to allow it to show up. We did not create it. We created our experience of it. This includes everything and I mean Every Thing. It either is or it isn't! The Good news is that because thoughts are things and if we do not like what is showing up, we have to power to change it by changing our thoughts. It is our choice.

Ernest Holmes says,

"...Nothing can happen to man that does not happen THROUGH him, whether it be the result of his own erroneous conclusions, those of his grandfather, or those of the race to which he belongs! This is not in any sense fatalistic, for WE CAN CHANGE THE TREND OF CAUSATION WHICH HAS BEEN SET IN MOTION AT ANY TIME WE DECIDE TO DO SO."

Note the last sentence, "...WE CAN CHANGE THE TREND OF CAUSATION...AT ANY TIME WE DECIDE TO DO SO." Those CAPS were put in by Ernest Holmes not me. We Decide!

So, let's explore this statement by Ernest Holmes in regards to the thing called "illness" of any kind whether it be a cold or Cancer. Do we have the power to "...change the trend of causation which has been set in motion?" I answer, "It either is or it isn't!"

We are part of a race consciousness that believes in disease. Erroneous thoughts cause things that are erroneous. Am I aligning myself with race consciousness, or am I aligning myself with Truth. If there is a healing to take place, it takes place in my mind. Nothing in the material world is REAL. It is merely a thought that has hardened.

I have been reading the works of Phineas Quimby, a healer, who believed and proved this Principle in regards to illness. Quimby called the Principle the "Science of Life." He said,

"Thoughts are like grains of sand, and are held together by their own sympathy or attraction. The natural man is composed of these particles of thought combined and arranged to make a form called man. As thought is always changing, so man is always throwing off particles or thoughts and receiving others." He goes on to say "man's change of mind is under one of the two directions, either of this world of opinions, or of God; and his happiness or misery is the result of his thought."

So, can we go too far physically in the erroneous direction? Is there a point of no return? Must we die because the doctors told us so? Because, the X-ray says so?

Principle is either true or it isn't. I must believe that erroneous thoughts can never go too far. We can be healed in an instant. Jesus did it. He said what he could do we could do and better. Phineas Quimby believed Jesus and proved it true. There is a Divine Spark within each of us that is not ill. It doesn't know the word illness. It is perfect. It is Good. If we can truly believe in that, anything unlike it would fall away into the nothingness from which it came.

We are not healing the physical man, we are revealing the spiritual man and we can do that anytime we truly decide to do it.

"There is a Power for Good in the Universe and I get to use it." I get to use it because I am it. It is not separate from who I am. This is the Truth I strive to live. Disease, poverty, and war are not real; we have believed them into our experience. They are created by the Power that we used incorrectly. God is Good and everything else is simply not the Truth. It either is or it isn't.

Namaste! Rita

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