Thursday, January 21, 2010


"One alone in consciousness with the Infinite constitutes a majority. Knowing this in your thought, work in perfect peace and calm, always expect the Good, have enthusiasm, and above all have a consciousness of Love. Ernest Holmes in the Science of Mind

This was the reading this morning. How do I feel about it? The word that comes to me is Believe and get out of the way. Mike Dooley calls them the "cursed hows."

There is a plaque on the wall in my home, simply with the words "Believe." Whenever I start to get bogged down by how something is going to happen, I look at those words and focus on my intention and know. This is my only truth.

If as Ernest Holmes says above that I alone in consciousness with the Infinite constitutes a majority, I can never lose. I already have everything I could ever need. The Infinite and I are a majority and a majority always wins.

I believe this. I continue my work, always moving forward in love, peace and calm. I am supported by an Infinite Intelligence that guides me every step of the way. I sow love everywhere I go. My purpose is to serve and know that I am backed by this Infinite Power. That's it. It is so simple.

Now, to have a great day!

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