Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Divine Intuition

On Saturday, December 19, we dedicated the permanent labyrinth that we built at the California Rehabilitation Center at Norco, California. The events that led up to this blessed day, began over four years ago when I heard Rev. James J. Mellon claim that a labyrinth would be built in the small classroom we were standing in located in his Spiritual Center in North Hollywood. He spoke about the room being lit with candles and people walking the labyrinth. Immediately, I was called in Mind to accomplish that. And so, using masking tape, we taped the shape of the Classical 7 circuit labyrinth on the floor and had our very first labyrinth walk at the NoHo Arts Center for New Thought. This event was one event on a time line that has no beginning or end, that connects the dots of thousands of lives coming together while still expressing their unique individuality.

Since that time, my fellow practitioner and friend, Lynn Klein and I have traveled throughout Los Angeles from cemeteries to hospitals to the beaches facilitating labyrinth walks with our community.

Then in September of 2008, I asked Lynn to come with me to CRC in Norco, where I had already conducted theater workshops. It was time to introduce the labyrinth to the inmates of CRC. She jumped right in and off we went.

For the past 11 months we have conducted labyrinth workshops once a month and witnessed profound change in the hearts and minds of the inmates that we work with. It has been a testament to the power of the labyrinth as a tool for personal insight, inspiration and transformation. It has also been a testament to following our divine intuition when it beckons to us to follow its bidding. As Michael Beckwith said in a talk, "The entire Universe is conspiring to release its energy through us."

Spirit is intuiting through each of us for the greater good. We all have claim to this intuition in our own unique way. We all have a gift to give; we only need to listen and then act on it. The Law makes the way possible even when we do not know how.

The permanent labyrinth at CRC Norco is a demonstration of that. Lynn and I just knew that we would have a permanent labyrinth there. The inmates wanted it. We claimed it and just continued to do what we were doing, which was conducting labyrinth walks. Before long, Violette, the Arts Facilitator was moved out of our regular meeting place. We were disgruntled at first, but then finally gave into the change and opened up to our new space. Lo and behold, there it was...a courtyard to build our permanent labyrinth in. Lynn and I say the labyrinth found its way on its own to Norco. Yes, it had always been there, but it took us opening our minds to it to see it and then put the paint on the ground.

When we conduct labyrinth walks, I always bring meditation cards with me. These cards are just little slips of paper cut into 1" squares with inspirational words written on them. Words like 'peace' 'joy' 'forgiveness' 'gratitude', etc, are some. They are meant to be picked up on the labyrinth if you feel the called to, and they might or might not add some inspiration to your walk.

The night before the dedication, I was writing cards and a word came to me that I found rather strange. It was the word 'helper'. I almost passed over the thought, because I couldn't imagine how that word meant anything. However, I said, well I Spirit said it, so I better write it and I did.

On the walk during the sharing time, a very young inmate raised his hand. He was very emotional. It was his first weeks in prison. He missed his daughter and felt awful about having left her. The first word he picked up on the labyrinth was that card 'helper.' It was the translation of his daughter's name, which meant 'angel helper.' Oh...I forgot to mention, there was a picture of an angel on each of the cards. This inmate received this as the knowing that his daughter was with him.

All I can say, is I know we are all here to allow Spirit to intuit through us. We are here as part of a big picture called LIFE. All of us matter. We are each an integral part of the picture. We must never underestimate the power of what Spirit can do through us. We are definitely conduits. I am grateful.

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